Resultados: 3

Posibilidad de acompañar la atención de emergencia en la perspectiva de la familia: estudio descriptivo

Aim: to understand the perception of families regarding the possibility to accompany emergency care procedures of their beloved one. Method: this is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach. The sample is composed by 16 accompanying families of people who were treated in emergency rooms of units ...

Presença da família durante o atendimento emergencial: percepção do paciente vítima de trauma

Aquichan; 16 (2), 2016
Objetivo: apreender como pacientes vítimas de trauma percebem a presença da família durante o atendimento emergencial. Métodos: estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa, realizado com 29 pacientes assistidos em uma unidade de pronto atendimento no sul do Brasil. Os dados, coletados em outubro de 20...

Acute pain from the perspective of minor trauma patients treated at the emergency unit

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 36 (2), 2015
OBJECTIVE: To study the factors that influence the perception of acute pain and the consequences of this experience in patients suffering from mild trauma. METHOD: Descriptive qualitative study conducted in an emergency service in southern Brazil. Data was collected in October 2013, through semi-structur...